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Rock drilling is a high-stakes operation where your equipment's performance shapes your productivity, and ultimately, profitability. As a user of rock drilling tools, it's essential to understand how to maximize their lifespan, which not only reduces frequent replacement costs but also ensures a successful drilling job. In this informative piece, we share seven insightful tips that can help maintain and extend the life of your rock drilling tools.

Regular Inspection

Firstly, carrying out regular inspections is paramount to the enduring performance of your equipment. Check your rock-drilling tools for signs of wear and tear, cracks, or damage after every use. Pay attention to the drill bits as they are exposed to a lot of stress. A problem detected early is often easier and cheaper to fix than one allowed to develop.

Proper Cleaning

Drilling in rock often leads to the accumulation of dust and debris within the tools. Over time, this can impair the tool's efficiency, hence it's crucial to clean your tools after every use. A simple rinse might not do the trick; therefore, consider investing in professional cleaning solutions specifically designed for rock drilling tools.


In machinery, friction is the enemy of longevity. Keep your rock drilling tools properly lubricated to shield against extreme conditions. Regular lubrication reduces wear and tear, ensuring the moving parts operate efficiently without damaging each other.

Use the Right Tool for the Right Job:

A typical mistake is using a rock drilling tool not designed for a specific operation. This forces the tool to work harder, amplifying wear and tear. Always use the tool designed for the particular rock condition you're working with. If you're unsure, consult with your manufacturer or dealer.


Where you store your rock drilling tools impacts their lifespan. Protect them from harsh environmental conditions by storing in a dry, clean, and climate-controlled space. Moisture, in particular, can cause tools to rust or degrade faster.

Proper Training

Make sure those handling the tools know how to use them adequately. Wrongly used tools not only pose a risk to the operator but also the tool itself. Regular training and safety education can significantly reduce tool misuse and resultant premature wear.

Regular Maintenance

Even with rigorous post-use cleaning and careful usage, routine maintenance is vital. This involves servicing according to the manufacturer’s instructions, replacing worn-out parts, and keeping your tools well-tuned. Regular maintenance can ensure your tools' optimal performance and longevity.


Rock drilling is a formidable task, and the durability of your tools significantly affects your productivity. By following these seven tips - regular inspection, proper cleaning, lubrication, using the right tools, appropriate storage, regular training, and maintenance - you can enhance the life of your rock drilling tools while ensuring a smooth, efficient operation. Remember, care for your tools, and they'll care for your work.